Turnover’s new album Peripheral Vision identifies and inspects relatable and worrisome problems facing anyone who’s ever had feelings. Dealing with a bad breakup or feeling lost and confused about life and its ever-morphing meaning are commonly feared. Turnover’s singer and guitarist Austin Getz touches on these aspects of everyday life in Peripheral Vision as he explores his dilemmas and how to fix them.
Breaking up with a romantic partner is a common theme in Peripheral Vision, and listeners often only get one side of the story, like with “I Would Hate You If I Could.” Getz is clearly upset that his lover never believed in their relationship, and he sings, “I knew you’d been telling all your friends that you’re done with me/Like you always knew things wouldn’t work out.” The lyrics express hurt, but they also come off bitter and angry when Getz sings, “And I’ve been hearing things from people that I don’t want to talk to/Like it matters who you’re sleeping with now.” It’s hard to not side with Getz on this one; who wouldn’t feel upset after hearing their ex never believed in their relationship in the first place? Getz expertly immerses the listener in the song, leaving them feeling just as much grief as he once did.
On “Hello Euphoria,” the dread of getting older and life passing by too quickly are mentioned, and listeners can see the great weight these things hold in Getz’s mind. The lyrics present a sense of impending doom, especially when Getz sings, “There’s really nothing like the first time/It’s a long way down when you’re falling and you miss cloud nine.”
The influence of emo is obvious in “Hello Euphoria,” mostly because of the guitar work, which is intricate, but interesting and tasteful; there is no over-playing on the track. Getz’s vocals also add depth to the song. They are monotone, but still melodic and easy to sing along to. “Hello Euphoria” features some of the best musicianship the album has to offer, including mellow guitar riffs and repetitive but consistent drumming.
Although there are many great moments in Peripheral Vision, they don’t all hit quite as hard as the next.
On “Intrapersonal” the lyrics feel rushed and vague, like, “I can’t see you beside me/In my peripheral vision/Always right there/Always aware.” They don’t leave the listener with much to latch onto. Mental illness is very briefly touched on (manic depression, specifically). Mental illness could be discussed for hours, and on “Intrapersonal,” it could’ve been analyzed more seriously. Turnover has the innate ability to write incredibly straightforward and meaningful songs, which it should use it to its advantage.
Perhaps the angriest song on Peripheral Vision is “Take My Head.” Ironically, it’s also the catchiest and most melodic song on the album, complete with a cheery guitar riff, upbeat drumming, and an anthemic chorus. With lyrics like, “Cut my brain into hemispheres/I wanna smash my face until there’s nothing but ears,” it makes for an unusual, but welcomed contrast that really perks up listeners’ ears. The song hits its prime when it makes fun of stereotypically happy people things, like summer, radio-friendly songs, and picturesque girls with smiling faces. With an idea like that, we’d all probably like to smash our faces in.
Turnover isn’t lacking in realness or authenticity. Actually, those elements are what the band captures best. There is no sugarcoating or glossing over. Everything is as it is, and why should it be any other way?
Turnover – Peripheral Vision tracklist:
- “Cutting My Fingers Off”
- “New Scream”
- “Humming”
- “Hello Euphoria”
- “Dizzy on the Comedown”
- “Diazepam”
- “Like Slow Disappearing”
- “Take My Head”
- “Threshold”
- “I Would Hate You If I Could”
- “Intrapersonal”