• Q&A

Q&A: Deadbeat Darling

written by: on November 28, 2012

A foursome with across-the-pond ties, Brooklyn-based Deadbeat Darling is returning to its stomping grounds to headline at the Bowery Ballroom in December. Coming off of a cross-country tour, including a memorable performance at this year’s CMJ Music Marathon, frontman Joseph King and bassist Ian Everall share their experiences with peat whiskey and their desires to swim and/or wink at strangers with Pop ‘stache.

Pop ‘stache: “Deadbeat Darling” sounds like something my mother would unsympathetically refer to me as after I have spent my last dime on vinyl in Greenwich Village. How did your name materialize?

Joseph King: Deadbeat Darling is a lyric from a song I wrote years ago unsympathetically referring to myself after any number of ridiculous situations I perpetuated. It seemed quite fitting for the band name, as it’s been an ongoing lifestyle.

P ‘s: You’re based in Brooklyn, NY, but have recorded in Wales, and signed to a UK label. How did that happen?

JK: Right place right time … We played a run of shows in London and met some lovely Danish gents that happened to be starting a record label. One thing lead to another, and suddenly we were their flagship band.

Ian Everall:  We got a phone call. They were like, “you wanna go live in a castle?!” We said yes.

P ‘s: I am bored with “how would you describe your sound” questions, so how would your moms describe your sound?

JK: Mama King, “DBD’s music makes me feel young and alive.  It can be dark, sexy, sad and thought provoking. It’s poetic ballad-like rock that you can MOVE to!”

IE: “He does have a really great voice.”

P ‘s: Brooklyn is clearly a current indie music hot spot. With so many bands coming out of the borough, how do you distinguish yourselves and your sound?

JK: By not sounding like a Brooklyn band.

IE: And by rehearsing in the city.

P ‘s: “Surf India” is going to find itself on altogether too many of my Spotify playlists from now on, so thanks for that. What does the writing and recording process for a song like that look like?

JK: Glad you like it! Evan (our drummer) and I started writing “Surf India” during some cold weather, very stoned writing sessions in the Winter of 2010. Ian and Mo added their parts next, we recorded a demo, then did the real thing in Wales. We drank some whiskey and played real loud.

IE: Recording looked like whales in Wales on hills with sheep drinking whiskey that tasted of peat.

P ‘s: Pretend I’m making a BALLER mixtape (yeah…mixTAPE…I live in NY and therefore can’t afford blank CDs). Who do I put on that mixtape alongside a few tracks of yours?

JK: Mixtapes! Today? I’d put The Submarines, Phantogram, Yeah Yeah Yeahs … All female singers.  I know. I know, I’m stuck.

IE: What? I love mix tapes! Who are you making it for? Make one for me!

P ‘s: A more realistic scenario: it’s Friday night and I’m going to a Deadbeat Darling show. You guys are playing your favorite venue ever, which is?

JK: The Bowery Ballroom. Thursday, December 20th to be exact. See ya there, yeah?

P ‘s: And then you all think I have an unusually charming disposition and drag me to your favorite dive in Brooklyn, which just happens to be the glorious?

JK: Duck Duck. Meserole and Graham. Right underneath my apartment.

IE:Or Hancock’s Bar and Grail.

P ‘s: And then we all live happily ever after. What’s happily ever after for you guys? Touring until your faces fall off? Having no less than six and no more than eight Band Aids? Recording an embarrassingly premature greatest hits album?

JK: I want to get paid to make records. I want to tour incessantly. I want to go swimming.

P ‘s: Give the gentle reader an update on what’s coming up in the very near future (our attention spans are extremely limited.)

JK: BOWERY BALLROOM on Dec. 20, 2012. Come out if you’re in NYC. And a new single will be out  in early 2013. Also, free love. More tour dates to be announced soon so stay in touch!

IE: YES! Dec. 20th at the Bowery Ballroom. New single release early next year with a video. I may start winking at strangers.