
Tripwires – Spacehopper

written by: Mitch Keiffer on June 26, 2013

The fuzzy, shoegaze quartet Tripwires from Reading, UK finally released its minimalist debut Spacehopper on June 18 after a six-year stint. Shifting drastically from their old days as a Slipknot cover band, the heavy psychedelic rockers have finally found their place in the music universe (and one that is pretty far out of this world). […]

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These Paper Satellites – Here Goes Nothing, There Goes Everything

written by: Mitch Keiffer on June 21, 2013

Music is such a powerful form of expression that, when done right, can move and inspire audiences in a way that no other artistic medium can. Its true potential is often overlooked, and too often is the true point of music missed by a mile. But every now and then, a band comes along and creates […]

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